Christmas Card Competition – #Festivescapes Photo Entries

Christmas Card Competition |  #Festivescapes Photos Entries

Are you feeling festive just yet?  Well, maybe a few Winter Wonderland scenes might help!

From December the 1st, we’re launching our Christmas Card Competition via Twitter.  We’ll be tweeting out some of Human-Nature‘s inspirational winter landscapes (festive landscape photos), captured below by our very own Advocates – Ian Williamson and Linda Taylor.  We’ll be doing this as a way of communicating our ‘Christmas Greetings’ and ‘Best Wishes’ to all our followers and the wider general public too, in an environmentally friendly way.

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We’d love you to join us on Twitter and reciprocate, by sending us your very own festive landscape images – Winter scenes from our beautiful UK landscapes.  In order for us to pick them up, please use the hashtag #festivescapes on your tweets, and we’ll be re-tweeting where we can.

We’ll be selecting our favourite 3 Tweeted Christmas Cards from our followers as Competition Winners, (see rules below), with a choice from the following ‘inspired by nature’ Human-Nature prizes:

  1. 2 free adult places on our ‘Therapeutic Photography Symposium’ which we are planning for May 2017, date t.b.c. (location: Staffordshire).
  2. 1 free adult place on our ‘Herb Pot Trio – Pottery Throwing Weekend Experience’ on 25th/26th February 2017 (location: Keele, Staffordshire).
  3. 2 free adult places on our ‘Walk This Way – Learn to Nordic Walk Weekend Experience’ in January or February 2017, date t.b.c.(location: Keele, Staffordshire).

Prize/event dates are subject to confirmation and change.

(We’ll try and come up with a special alternative prize if any winning entry is selected from anyone aged under 18 years).

We’ll particularly be looking out for photos which show the beauty of our UK landscapes in Winter, particularly those which capture a ‘human’ and ‘nature’ element, or feature scenes which portray a sense of ‘escape’.

Don’t worry if you’ve not got a suitable photo just yet.  Wait for the next frosty, foggy (or even snowy) morning, and ‘get out there’ snapping away in your very own favourite landscape.  Final entries for the competition need to be received by 23rd December 2016.


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Human-Nature Escapes CIC - #Festivescapes Photo 2

Even if you’re not a follower, and just want to tweet one of your own favourite pics, then by all means do.  Do tell us why you like that landscape, and when and where it was taken.


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Competition rules:

  1. Entries must be original photos, by amateur or non-professional photographers only (i.e. you must not be earning income from your photographic skills or images).
  2. You must be following us on Twitter for your entry to be considered for the competition and for prizes.
  3. Please limit the maximum entries per person to 3 photo images.
  4. Entries must be made via Twitter using the hashtag #festivescapes, and include @HNEscapesCIC in the text of the tweet.  Include in the text of the tweet where and when the photo was taken, and why you like that landscape.
  5. Photos tweeted or entered must only depict UK winter landscape scenes.
  6. Entries cannot be accepted in any other way other than by Twitter, so please do not try to communicate them in any other way.
  7. Winners must make own arrangements to attend the events/experiences offered as prizes.  No allowance for travel, accommodation or expenses can be made.  No alternative dates or venues can be offered.  No alternative monetary or cash equivalent prizes can be offered.
  8. Entrants agree to the use of their photo image appearing on Twitter and grant permission for Human-Nature Escapes CIC to re-tweet and/or publish the winning photos on their website, if Human-Nature Escapes CIC choose to do so.
  9. Human-Nature Escapes CIC cannot protect any entrant from other users copying or using their image.  We ourselves will not use your image for any ‘for profit’ purposes, but may show winning entries on this website post at a later date.
  10. Images from employees, volunteers, advocates or artists from Human-Nature Escapes CIC, cannot be included as entries for competition prizes – but can be tweeted and shared just for fun.
  11. Human-Nature Escapes CIC will not be responsible for any tweets, messages or entries accidentally missed, lost or not picked up.
  12. Winning entries will be chosen by selected Advocates of Human-Nature Escapes CIC.
  13. Final entries must be direct messaged by 23rd December 2016.  Prize winning entries will be announced/shown via an update of this post – so please check back.

…. And the winner is (winners are) ….

Human-Nature Escapes CIC - Winner A

Winner A – @FionaSPrew – We liked all these images and the ‘creative way’ that the 3 entries were tweeted as a journey through the garden gate (1/3), into the village of Gittisham (2/3) to the post box to post Christmas Cards for the #festivescapes competition (3/3).  Well thought out and delivered!

Human-Nature Escapes CIC - Winner B

Winner B @babypumpkincake – A tall portrait view, with focal point looking towards Stafford Castle – looks like a nice inviting Winter walk to us – perhaps a Nordic walk in that snow!

Human-Nature Escapes CIC - Winner C

Winner C @BekiHooper  – A winter walk in a very aptly named ‘Snowdonia’.



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Special thanks to our ‘Take Notice’ Advocate – Linda Taylor (Frosty Bench and Trentham Lake images), and ‘Keep Learning’ Advocate – Ian Williamson (all other winter scene images) for their terrific photos.  Thanks for the inspiration!   Thanks too for help selecting the winning entries.