Picture This – The Making of Human-Nature’s Video

Picture This |  the making of human-nature’s video


Human-Nature Escapes CIC - Video 1 

On 3rd & 4th November the team from Human-Nature Escapes CIC, had a go at becoming film stars – in our very own ‘promo video’.

Kindly shot by Staffordshire University degree student Baily Hill  (plus fellow students as crew) – with a storyline developed in conjunction with our volunteer group – ‘Friends with Human-Nature‘.

The storyline in a way mimics the recovery journey taken in real life by our founder Jake Cliffe.  Instead, in the video, the lead character is represented a youth making his own way through his recovery journey – but helped on his journey by the team from Human-Nature and of course using the ‘therapeutic’ power of nature provided by Staffordshire’s finest greenspace landscapes.


Human-Nature Escapes CIC - Video 2

Photo – A broken landscape – rust gates featuring slogans about depression as a global health problem

The video opens with scenes set among the derelict building on Middleport canal – depicted in ‘black and white’ a broken and neglected landscape, which sets the sombre tone for opening statements about the difficulties that common emotional wellbeing problems can cause.  The opening shots feature a youth (played by volunteer Jordan), standing at Middleport, staring forward toward the broken buildings.


Human-Nature Escapes CIC - Video 3

 Photo – Lola, the black and white dog takes the lead along the canal to Westport – video bleeds away from black and white to colour 

The scene then bleeds to full colour, as someone from the Human-Nature organisation appears around the corner and intervenes – accompanied by our leading star, our mascot Dalmatian ‘Lola’.  The dog seems to offer the youth some comfort, and as he takes the dog’s lead, the dog in turn leads the youth to the nearby wonderful green space that is Westport Lake.  There the youth meets up with a volunteer from Human-Nature doing some nature conservation work, and he joins in to have a go himself.  The volunteer joins the youth, to support him on his onward journey.


Human-Nature Escapes CIC - Video 11

Photo – A very staged pose by the crew (plus Kim and Nat) at Westport Lake – good job the crew are not the actors!


Human-Nature Escapes CIC - Photo 4     Human-Nature Escapes CIC - Video 5

Photo – Scenes in Trentham Gardens (many thanks to Trentham for granting us access).

The next scenes continue the recovery story journey – on to Trentham Gardens, then Tittesworth Reservior, where the group meet other volunteers doing therapeutic photography and Nordic walking activities.  The size of the group gradually builds to support the youth – who now appears more settled and happier as he regains confidence and self-esteem.


Human-Nature Escapes CIC - Video 6     Human-Nature Escapes CIC - Video 7

Human -Nature Escapes CIC - Video 7

Photo – The dramatic landscape of ‘The Roaches’ provides a stunning backdrop

Later scenes see the youth eventually taking charge of the group, donning his own green Human-Nature T Shirt.  Now he is leading and guiding the group with a renewed sense of confidence – following the map and pointing the way on the wide open landscape of The Roaches, discovering even more Friends with Human-Nature.   Even Lola has picked up a doggy pal (Django) along the way.

(During the shoot we even caught a glimpse of an emerging rainbow – but we’ll have to wait and see if the cameraman was quick enough to capture it on video!)


Human-Nature Escapes CIC - Video 9

Photo – ‘Roaches End’ with and emerging rainbow, as the final scenes are shot by Baily and her crew


The video closes with expansive views and panoramas over the Staffordshire landscape, with Tittesworth down in the valley below – to demonstrate how far the youth has come in his recovery journey.  The closing shots are of the youth standing at the high point (Trig Point) at Roach End, a bit wind swept, but with the sun breaking through in the distance.  The youth is now smiling, the dog’s tail is wagging and the dog is barking to acknowledge the success of the youth’s recovery and new found confidence.

In summary the storyline presents an anology that broken people can be taken from broken landscapes and by providing some care and nurture, and supported by the therapeutic value of nature, art and green exercise – they can recover.   It hopefully provides optimism that broken people can mend, physically, socially and emotionally.

Thanks to director Baily Hill (Film Maker/Director), Jake Jaggard (Camera), Shawn Webster (Sound), Meghan Hill (Production Stills and Runner), Nathaniel Skirrow (Actor) – we had a great 2 days filming.   Thanks also to our team of volunteers – our own Actors (all stars), in order of appearance – Jordan, Jake, Kim, Katrina, Steph, Nick and Linda – and not forgetting of course the dogs Lola and Django (who had the time of their lives)!

Although the weather was very cold, the spirit of the team was very kind, supportive and warm-hearted and showed some true human-nature – so many thanks to all those that took part.

We look forward to seeing the final results in early December of the edited video – with possibly two versions.  One with a music soundtrack (using the song ‘Mama’ from Magnum) and the second using actual soundbites from nature.   Best of luck to Baily in editing down our mini-epic, into something suitable for our website and social media.

It’s a wrap – CUT!