I Am Team GB – Walk This Way

I Am Team GB |  Walk This Way

We ‘walked this way’ by Nordic Walking down at Trentham to celebrate ‘I Am Team GB‘ Day – The nation’s biggest ever sports day.  Even the TV channels got switched off on ITV to prompt us to get up off our couches and out and about.

The purpose was to celebrate the success of our Olympians at Rio 2016 and to look forwards to a repeat performance by our Paralympic athletes.  But most of all it was a day to celebrate grass roots sports participation – and to get the whole nation to ‘Be Active’ – which is of course, one of our ‘Ways to Wellbeing’ here at Human-Nature.


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Above: Prepping for the Event

Friends (and family) from Human-Nature made their ‘escape’ down to Trentham for a Nordic Walking taster – to do our bit to promote the day. Our group included Peter Hooper (from Cox Bank Publishing) who is an avid supporter of our organisation’s initiatives to get people active, through our ‘green exercise’ activities like Nordic Walking.  He was certainly setting the example to ‘Be Active‘ and to be part of ‘I Am Team GB‘.  Not only was he sporting the Team GB shirt, he was almost wearing it out – participating in a marathon of different events on this important day.  I am sure he will have the odd ‘Sporting Story’ of his own to tell by the end the day!


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Above: Jake capturing Peter for a photo ahead of his next Sporting engagement

Jake (our qualified Nordic Walking instructor), walked us through the first 5 steps of the 10 Step INWA technique and we did a short walk to practice our new found skills.  Sadly for us, the heavens opened, just as we were really going to stretch our legs with a walk up the the statue on Monument Hill.


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Above: Men at Walk

Katrina did the hard bit – by taking most of the photos and doing the walking too.  There’s no end to that girl’s talents!  But we grabbed the camera off her for the last couple of shots.


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Above:  Jake with Nick, Katrina and Peter in lower photo (including Joel and Mark in the upper photo)

Even Laura Trott tried to get in on the act, showing us social media support, saying ‘Thank You’ to Human-Nature Escapes for getting involved in ‘I AM Team GB‘.   Very nice of her!


Human-Nature Escapes CIC - I Am TeamGB - Laura Trott

We hoped she might of showed up, and thought perhaps we should have got the bikes out!  Perhaps someone had already told her that cycling wasn’t allowed down at Trentham!

We hope everyone else got ‘active’ too.  Don’t forget though, it’s never to late to join us for some ‘green exercise’ here at Human-Nature!  Get in touch if this sort of exercise is something you think you might like to try.

Special thanks to Trentham Gardens for supporting us on IAmTeamGB Day.