Date(s) - 19/12/2019
10:00 am - 12:00 pm
Nature Conservation | Weekly Volunteering
Every Thursday 10am to 12.30pm we’re going to be volunteering at Silverdale Country Park – doing our bit to ‘Give’ (Spirit) and ‘Care’ (Planet)!
We work in association with and under the guidance of park ranger, doing activities like planting wildflower meadow, species diversity surveys, brash hedge laying, fence building and mending, wildlife habitat building and tree planting – plus generally helping to make the park safe and secure for the human’s and nature. We’re joined by the park’s regular bunch of volunteers who share a wealth of knowledge of the Silverdale landscape and it’s wildlife inhabitants – so it’s a great place to share information and learn too. We don’t profess to be wildlife experts, so we ourselves are learning all the time too.
Images showing collecting data on species diversity
Images showing wire fence building protecting Wildlife Conservation Areas
Images showing installation of ‘rot boxes’, providing dead wood habitats for insects
In order to participate you’ll need to complete a volunteer application form provided by the Groundwork West Midlands Ranger and abide by the instructions and risk assessments provided. This activity is coordinated by the Park Ranger and comes under the park operators insurance.
More information about Silverdale Country Park can be found on a new website, which also includes informative videos and photos showing the mining history of the site.
Silverdale Country Park is operated and manged by partners Groundwork and The Land Trust. We’re please to work as community partner with both organisations.