NatureFix – Recovery & Resilience (Taster Sessions)

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Date(s) - 13/02/2019
10:00 am - 12:30 pm


NatureFix |  recovery and resilience

Taster Sessions |  Wednesdays

During the Spring of 2019 we’re open to running a series of Taster Sessions for our NatureFix programme (and pilot study) – supporting employees in recovery from stress, depression and anxiety.  The intention would be to offer prospective local employer’s OH and HR teams (over a series of Wednesdays early in 2019) an opportunity to sample the activities we intend to inlcude in our NatureFix ‘Recovery & Resilience’ programme.  This is our nature based intervention, which provides a ‘daily dose of nature‘ – specifically targeted at supporting employees with stress to ‘return to work’ and ‘stay in work’.

This would be an opportunity for local employers to consider joining with other participating employers, in putting participants forward for a full ‘pilot study’ of our programmelater in 2019 – over the Spring/Summer/Autumn months.  The success of the programme will be independently evaluated and reported by researchers from a local university.




NatureFix |  taster activities

Our taster sessions can be sampled by HR/OH professionals, giving an opportunity to:

  • sample the therapeutic landscapes we intend to use for our pilot study and subsequent NatureFix programme
  • view the equipment and facilities at the location we intend to use
  • meet and gain confidence in the activity leader and wellbeing support person who will deliver the wellbeing activities
  • try out and sample the range of nature based wellbeing activities that will be used to support an employee’s ‘recovery and resilience’, gaining understanding on how these activities link to our ‘Nature’s Ways to Wellbeing‘ approach, including:
  1. Natter in Nature 
  2. Greenway Cycling
  3. Mindful Photography 
  4. Nordic Walking
  5. Nature Conservation
  6. Poetry Walks



Employers & OH Providers |  supporting employees 

Contact Us now if you anticipate that you will have employees who are on long term absence with stress (or anxiety and depression) during the Spring/Summer/Autumn of 2019 – and would like to consider your organisation for taking part in the ‘pilot study’.

Stress is an ever increasing problem, which affects nearly all workplaces.  We’re here to work alongside you, to support your staff as part of a phased return to work, and preventing future absence.  We aim to help employees re-establish a daily routine in preparation for getting back to work and achieve this return in a much smoother and more assured way.

Interested? – Then find out more on our ‘Recovery & Resilience‘ page(s).