Digital Prescribing

Digital Social Prescribing |  e-books & slideshows

Over the past 3 years we’ve been working in collaboration with our local and UK-wide followers to co-create our nature inspired digital wellbeing e-books, using their fabulous photography, uplifting words and poetry.  

We’re now exploring with GP practices and social prescribing Link Workers how these digital wellbeing resources could be shared more widely and used in a therapeutic context to reach and benefit more people – inspiring their creativity and wellbeing and learning more about our Nature’s Ways to Wellbeing model as a useful non-medical self-care tool.

We know GP and NHS services are severely stretched, so this digital self-care approach might well prove to be a useful addition to healthcare service provision as a form of  ‘Community Health Creation’ and illness prevention.  

We’re dedicating this section to exploring how we could use our co-created digital wellbeing content to inspire wellbeing and positive mental in others by:

– Providing ‘free-to-read’ access to our digital wellbeing e-books as ‘Virtual Nature Escapes’.

– Building our portfolio of e-books into a comprehensive digital wellbeing library for all to share, enjoy and gain creative inspiration from.

– Providing snap-shots of our wellbeing e-books and nature imagery as digital slideshows in GP/NHS waiting rooms and staff wellbeing rooms, as part of a readily accessible nature escape space.  (Just vieweing scenes of nature are proven to have a calming, relaxing and healing effect).

– Growing our relationships with GP’s and Link Workers to explore how our digital wellbeing resources and ‘Nature’s Ways to Wellbeing’ model could be scaled to reach more people through them and their social prescription referrals.

Below are some sample digital slideshows of extracts from our e-books which we hope to showcase in local GP waiting rooms and staff wellbeing settings:

Slideshow 1 – A Moment’s Notice

Slideshow 2 – Poetry in Motion

Sllideshow 3 – ‘Nature’s Ways to Wellbeing’ Self-Care Guide